Austin Avenue Bridges – Review Process

As everyone knows, the future of the Austin Avenue bridges is being shaped right now.

If you’d like to know more about the process of hearings, evidence and testimony that lies ahead, a unique opportunity to learn happens next Tuesday morning, August 2nd, at 9 am in the Austin Avenue restaurant, El Monumento.

Kitty Henderson, Executive Director of the Historic Bridge Foundation will give a presentation focused on the review, oversight and decision-making process regarding the bridges. She will outline the federal review process that MUST be followed because the bridges are designated as historic contributing structures. There will be Q&A, and the meeting should last around 1.5 hours.

This is a citizen initiative, not a city event. It’s open to the public. Kitty is an expert on the federal process to which the city will be bound in order move forward on the bridges.

Those who have an interest in the outcome of the current bridge review should find this useful to get a clear sense of timetable, evidentiary requirements, public input procedures, and such.

This is NOT a discussion of the merits of what should or should not happen with the bridges. It’s a technical advisory rather than an exchange of opinions, and time will be limited. Feel free to attend if you’d like to hear about this process at first hand.